Will A Plasma TV Freeze In Cold Weather?

Even your appliances and electronics at home are at risk during the coldest times of the winter. In some cases, you might have to store them elsewhere to keep them from getting affected by the cold. But before you do so, you should first know whether or not it would be safe for them to be under cold weather conditions. If you're wondering if a plasma TV freezes during winter, we have looked up these concerns for you, and here are the answers.

A plasma TV will not freeze unless the temperature dips below freezing. Usually, cold weather won't damage a plasma TV, meaning you can store it in freezing temperatures. However, the cold can affect the TV's components. Without proper care, they could suffer from irreversible damages.

In this post, we have summarized what you need to know about plasma TVs during colder days. Although TVs can withstand the temperature, there are a few things you will have to keep in mind to make sure they retain their current state. Keep reading to get further insight on how the cold influences plasma TVs.


A gorgeous contemporary living room with modern chairs and a huge window on the side, Will A Plasma TV Freeze In Cold Weather?

Does Cold Weather Affect a Plasma TV?

Cold temperatures affect plasma TVs. These temperatures usually aren't enough, though, to cause alarming damages to the appliance.

The cold alone won't hurt a plasma TV unless the temperature goes below freezing levels. While they can withstand these conditions, the television will get harmed if you immediately turn it on after taking it to a warmer location. In these cases, it is crucial to know how to handle a plasma TV.

Most plasma TVs can stand cold temperatures down to 32° F before they begin to degrade. The conditions upon storing the television are one of the main factors affecting their temperature. Keep in mind that this may vary depending on whether they are plugged in or not during storage. This state is different from being turned off and in sleep mode.

What Happens to A Plasma TV In Cold Weather?

A plasma tv wall mounted on a tv fronting the gray sectional sofa

It is still likely for a plasma TV to undergo change when the temperatures are lower than usual. Televisions are built to work comfortably in a consumer's location, and so the temperature they can handle ranges between typical room temperatures. If the weather or room conditions go beyond those points, you can expect the following to occur:

  • The TV may not switch on. Sometimes, it will need a few minutes to warm up before opening. If it fails to start even after warming itself, then it would be a concern.
  • The display will either freeze or fail to produce proper output. There may also be ghost images, or the visuals appear slow.
  • Specific components in the TV may break depending on the severity of the temperature condition.

Is It OK For A Plasma TV To Freeze?

Plasma TVs can function in freezing conditions, up to 32° F, but they often do not freeze. When the temperature reaches sub-zero levels, a plasma TV will likely only get damages rather than become frozen.

If the conditions become cold enough for the television to freeze through, it won't cause as much harm as long as it is thawed and dried thoroughly. Note that you should only switch them on once they return to room temperature to avoid electrical damage.

As opposed to other television variants, a plasma TV doesn't contain any liquid components. Thus, they are not susceptible to freezing or expansion.

For instance, the layers of liquid in an LCD television may freeze at the appropriate temperatures. When this happens, the TV's response time gets delayed and causes the display to slow down. Although this can happen to plasma TVs, the lack of liquid components lowers the chance of this occurring.

What To Do When A Plasma TV Freezes?

Physically, a plasma TV will not freeze because they do not contain any liquid. Because they come with several electrical components, they can get damaged from the cold weather. There are a few precautions to note to prevent any further harm and to retain its lifespan. These include:

  • Place the plasma TV at room temperature to let it warm before turning it back on. These televisions are capable of self-warming, but bringing them to a warmer location makes it easier to do.
  • Avoid storing or moving the plasma TV when the weather is at sub-freezing temperatures.
  • Give the plasma TV enough time to regulate temperature. It prevents the buildup of humidity, which can potentially cause long-term damage.

Does A Plasma TV Need To Warm Up?

Yes, after being placed in the cold, a plasma TV needs to warm up before opening. Turning on a plasma TV before it warms causes the heat from the electrical components to collide with the colder temperature. As a result, damages may occur that affect the TV's functionality.

A plasma TV works by heating gases. It implies the importance of keeping a plasma TV under warmer conditions to maintain operation without any issues. If it is coming from the cold, suddenly turning on the television before letting it warm up will impair electrical parts in the TV, making it unusable.

Another common reason to warm a plasma TV is to lower the chances of humidity building up. A plasma TV's build is optimized to perform at the temperatures usually comfortable for humans.

Plasma TVs also have self-warming features. Because they release warmth, they can potentially collide with the cold surrounding them, leading to the unwanted presence of moisture.

How Cold Can A Plasma TV Be Stored?

A gorgeous and modern apartment bedroom with modern furnitures

You can store a plasma TV in cold temperatures down to 32° F. Even when kept under these conditions, you can expect them to function well. When turned on, you should avoid storing them in sub-zero temperatures.

Even in storage, it's best to ensure the TV is protected from condensation. Moisture buildup can alter the quality of images a television produces and lower its lifespan. The main goal is to balance the temperature around the television.

If you place the plasma TV outdoors, you will have to take extra precautions to prevent the buildup. These include storing them away from direct sources of heat and cold or covering them well with an air-tight wrap. If the TV is in a climate-controlled environment, they are likely going to experience less harm.

How Cold Can A Panasonic Plasma TV Get?

According to the television's manual, a Panasonic plasma TV operates at temperatures 32° to 104° F and with a relative humidity of 20 to 90 percent. It isn't usual for them to end up freezing when they reach these temperatures, but they may experience other dangers. Like other plasma TVs, Panasonic's television requires proper storage and maintenance to inhibit the system's degradation.

Panasonic plasma TVs call for similar needs as other plasma TV brands. You can also store them at a temperature as low as -4° F, given that it is closed and not plugged to a power source. It is safe to do so, but most manufacturers do not recommend keeping a plasma TV under these circumstances.

The Bottomline

A plasma TV is not vulnerable to cold weather, but it may be affected by it depending on the storage and other environmental factors. Because of their components, they are not likely to freeze unless the temperature is extreme. They can endure colder temperatures as long as they don't go beyond sub-freezing.

It's vital to know the operating temperature of the television model you have to make sure a plasma TV works well. Generally, these would be between 32 to 104° F, so they function in temperatures preferred by humans.

In addition to these, storage plays a role in maintaining the television's quality. It regulates the temperature conditions around the TV to limit electrical damage or excessive condensation.

If you want to know more about how to maintain other devices and equipment in the cold weather, read these posts below:

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