How To Thaw Spaghetti Sauce In Jar

Need spaghetti sauce for a quick meal, but it has been frozen in the jar? Worry no more. We researched the correct procedures and learned the best thawing methods to get frozen sauce out of the jar.

Thaw the spaghetti sauce in the refrigerator to keep it at the right temperature for safe consumption.

Put the jar in a large bowl and run cold water over it if you want a quicker way. However, each method will take time, so you'll want to plan ahead accordingly for your meal.

After thawing, you should check if you can use the sauce for cooking. If it has gone bad, discard it immediately. Read further to learn about thawing spaghetti sauce in a jar.


A jar of spaghetti sauce in the jar, How To Thaw Spaghetti Sauce In Jar

How To Defrost Spaghetti Sauce In A Jar?

If you have leftover spaghetti sauce, you can store it frozen in sterilized jars. However, you might want to remove it from the freezer after a few weeks. Now that you need the sauce defrost it, how to go about it?

You have several options on how you defrost spaghetti sauce in a jar. Read the methods below.

Salsa di Pomodoro al Formaggio di Pecora tomato sauce with the sheep cheese pecorino.

Thawing In The Refrigerator

If you want to maintain the required temperature for the spaghetti sauce, transfer the jar to the refrigerator. Leave it there for at least overnight. Following this method takes time, but it is the safest solution.

Moreover, if the spaghetti sauce contains meat, you should reheat it after thawing in the refrigerator. The internal temperature should reach 165° Fahrenheit to kill bacteria.

Defrosting The Jar In Cold Water

Alternatively, place the jar in a large bowl. Let running cold water run over the jar for a few minutes. Then, leave the jar in a bowl of cold water. This method will take about 20 minutes to two hours to defrost the sauce.

Never use hot water first because the quick temperature change affects the sauce's quality. Luke-warm water is fine.

You can change the water every 10 minutes to speed up the thawing process. Every time you change the water, you can increase its temperature gradually.


If you are in a rush, you will need an urgent solution. Although not recommended, you could use a microwave to speed up the thawing process.

Thawing using the microwave will take less than 10 minutes. Yet, the problem with this method is the inconsistent heating patterns. The consistency or taste of the sauce will change.

There is a proper way to thaw using a microwave. Instead of leaving the jar inside for 10 minutes straight, you should thaw the sauce slowly.

Follow the process below:

  1. Set the microwave to medium-low heat.
  2. Place the jar inside.
  3. After two minutes, remove and check the jar. You can stir at every interval.
  4. Put it back inside and continue checking in intervals.
  5. After 10 minutes, remove the jar and reheat the sauce in a pan.

The time it takes to defrost the spaghetti sauce varies due to the ingredients. Tomato-based, creamy, and cheesy spaghetti sauces will thaw differently.

Should You Defrost The Spaghetti Sauce At Room Temperature?

It is a big no to defrost at room temperature. The National Center for Home Food Preservation and USDA does not suggest thawing at room temperature. You should not leave the jar on the kitchen counter for more than two hours.

Any food is vulnerable to bacteria multiplying rapidly if the temperature "danger zone" is between 40-140°F. You should thaw below this range for safe thawing. You should never use this method if there is meat in the sauce.

What Happens After Thawing Spaghetti Sauce?

There will be some changes in the spaghetti sauce after you defrost it. The common effects of defrosting are the separation of the sauce and the change in taste. The consistency can become grainy, thin, or runny.

Stir the sauce for one to two minutes to return its original consistency and taste. If the sauce is thinning, mix a teaspoon of cornstarch with water before blending it into the sauce. If the cheese dries out, add some milk or water.

Do You Reheat The Spaghetti Sauce After Thawing?

Yes, you must reheat the spaghetti sauce. The freezing and thawing processes changed the sauce's consistency and taste.

Also, reheating helps remove any bacteria that might be in the sauce. Leaving the sauce at room temperature after thawing will not maintain its quality. It is best to reheat the sauce before mixing it with pasta.

Spaghetti sauce simmering in pan

How To Reheat Thawed Spaghetti Sauce

These are easy methods to reheat spaghetti sauce:

  • Stovetop heating
  • Microwave
  • Oven

Choose heating on the stove if you want to reinvigorate the taste of the sauce. If you are in a rush, you can use a microwave. If you are reheating large batches, use your oven.

Here are the steps to reheat on the stovetop:

  1. Set the stove to medium heat.
  2. Pour the sauce into a saucepan.
  3. Add two teaspoons of oil.
  4. Gently stir for 2-3 minutes. Make sure that you heat all the portions.
  5. Add the sauce to your pasta and cook accordingly.

The microwave and oven methods are similar, and the difference is the capacity of the appliances. You can do this if the sauce containers are microwave safe or ovenproof.

Is It Good To Use Thawed Spaghetti Sauce?

Bolognese sauce, spaghetti, pasta, meat, cheese, basil.

You will likely get a lousy spaghetti sauce if you don't follow the correct thawing process. However, thawing does not guarantee good results. You should know the signs of a sour spaghetti sauce, so you will not use it further.

The spaghetti sauce is terrible if it has these signs:

  • Color darkens (i.e., from bright red to maroon)
  • Formation of molds
  • Funky smell
  • Thicker consistency
  • Bitter taste

These signs might be already present before thawing. The incorrect storage techniques spoil the sauce faster.

Therefore, you must discard the sour sauce immediately. Do not try to revive it by reheating it to be safe. If you use it, you might get food poisoning.

Can You Refreeze Spaghetti Sauce?

Jars of tomato sauce on a white surface. Cans of spaghetti sauce isolated on white background.

If you only use a small portion of the thawed spaghetti sauce, you might want to refreeze it again. Unfortunately, the taste and consistency after you refreeze the sauce several times won't be the same.

It would help to consider the spaghetti sauce variety because some will not refreeze well. Listed below are spaghetti sauce varieties and how refreezing affects them.

  • Cream-based: The consistency of this sauce will break and become watery. In effect, the sauce will not be suitable to use.
  • Meat-based: Refreezing will not affect the texture and taste of the sauce. Just remember to cook the sauce before refreezing.
  • Tomato-based: The flavor and texture will not change even if you freeze it for an extended time.

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If you have plans to refreeze large batches of spaghetti sauce, you should only get the portion required for cooking the meal. You should make sure that you use sterilized utensils to avoid contamination.

You can refreeze spaghetti sauce up to three times and stay frozen for three months. If you place the thawed spaghetti in the refrigerator, you should use it within seven days.

How To Refreeze Spaghetti Sauce

Follow the procedure below to refreeze spaghetti sauce safely:

  1. Let the sauce cool down after reheating. Place it in the fridge to keep the temperature stable.
  2. Portion out the sauce depending on your needs. You can pour sauce on an ice cube tray, airtight and freezer-safe containers, or plastic bags for small servings.

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In Summary

The safest way to thaw a frozen spaghetti sauce is to transfer the jar to the refrigerator and leave it at least overnight. Another option is to use the cold water method.

You can microwave to thaw the sauce, but the taste and consistency might change. Never thaw at room temperature to avoid bacteria contamination.

Read more from these posts about defrosting:

How To Defrost Ikea Meatballs

How To Freeze And Defrost Baked Feta Pasta

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